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Fascinating Facts About The Amish

You've probably heard about the Amish, and if you live in Pennsylvania or the midwest, you may have even seen them now and again. But the truth is that few people really know a whole lot about this mysterious group of people who happily live throughout the United States.

Within their own communities, they have shunned technology and, although friendly people, generally shut themselves from the rest of the world.

This has caused them to create a whole new set of norms and traditions which are as interesting as they are mysterious and strange. ​From their wedding traditions to their thoughts on modern medicine, we are taking you on a deep dive into the Amish lifestyle.

Amish Men Shun Mustaches, But Grow Long Beards For An Interesting Reason

They Do Not Take Pictures Unless It Is Someone From Outside The Community

Women Have A Very Specific Role In Their Society

After women leave school, they start to learn how to sew, cook, keep a house, and tend to their families. This is because Amish women are meant to be housewives; that is their role in the Amish society. They are made to take care of the children like glorified babysitters.

Women Have A Very Specific Role In Their Society

After women leave school, they start to learn how to sew, cook, keep a house, and tend to their families. This is because Amish women are meant to be housewives; that is their role in the Amish society. They are made to take care of the children like glorified babysitters.

Babies Are Not Baptised

In many religious communities, it is customary for babies to be baptized, but the Amish have different traditions. The Amish don't baptize babies because they believe that people should be able to decide to be brought into the Amish faith.

Since babies cannot make their own decisions, their baptisms usually happen between the ages of 16 and 24. This is because they believe that people are now responsible enough to make the decision to be part of the Amish community or not.

There Needs To Be A Blessing For The Marriage To Be Accepted

Before a couple can get married it is not their parents who need to give them a blessing; it is the church. This longstanding Amish tradition happens not long after the couple begins dating. Usually, the man proposes and it can only be accepted if the church approves.

There Is A Ceremonial Right Of Passage That Can Last From A Week To A Few Years

When teens want to leave the community, it is part of a right of passage called "Rumspringa," which is derived from German meaning "running around." This period of time can last for a week, or even a few years. However, the time frame is not that important to the Amish people.

They Believe Your Partner Has To Share The Same Faith

When you decide to date someone, the Amish believe that your partner must have the same faith. They think that this leads to a successful marriage. Before you can even start dating, you must be baptized into the Amish church along with your partner.

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