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예배를 회복하라'21 ....4일간의 일정을 마치고 26일 종강예배로 마감

제 22기 찬양학교가 4일간 합숙하며 공동체 생활에서 Koinonia & Pray로 TeamWork을 성령안에서 만들어....

16개의 강의와 성회와 찬양 훈련으로 Conference를 무장하며...

Nyskc Movement : Mas Macus

What is nyskc praise team? : NPS President: Ellen

Wednesday Worship. "The Power of Praise"

What "When the worship is restored, the church is risen, the nation is renewed, and the family is revived" 찬양 MS Cohen

Praise Training : NPS President: Ellen

특강: Nyskc Spirituality & Praise Training

특강: Nyskc Praise Team Attitude

Purpose of the Nyskc Family Conference Mas. Bezalel


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